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Week 11- Blog # 10

  • Reflect on your experience in the course, your development of PLN, your use of social media platforms and networked publics, any changes in your perspective of social media in professional settings and personal use

This course has educated me the various beneficial aspects of having and developing my PLN. I came into the course not knowing what PLNs were but now I know how to use them to access to diverse knowledge and expertise, for continuous learning, collaboration and social/professional networking, personalized learning, and support and motivation in my goals and life. I’ve already made developments to my PLN throughout this class. I started to the expand the media platforms I use for networking such as using Facebook, LinkedIn, and Reddit to join groups/communities where I participate in discussions and events that further my expertise in my degree’s field.

Previously, I had very limited social media use and only used platforms such as TikTok, Snap chat, and Instagram for leisure and communication with friends. My perspective on social media platforms have changed; I now see these same platforms has having utility for other purposes such as accessing a wealth of knowledge and expertise, and expand your learning and professional development opportunities. An example would be me joining a Instagram group that discusses recent job fairs and info conferences related to Health Information Science ( My field). I also learned the importance of developing my own Digital Identity. This includes re hauling how I present myself on social media platforms but also made me more aware of my digital footprint. I previously had a lot of old childish pictures and posts on my Facebook account that I did not use anymore, however, upon completion of this class I went back and remade my Facebook profile and cleaned up my history.

Overall, this course has completely changed my perspective on the capabilities of Social Media and bettered my understanding of how to utilize these useful platforms to my advantage.

Week 10 Engaging your PLN Using your PLN to engage business, career opportunities, and relationships.

Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course? 

Throughout this course I’ve learned how to setup and build my PLN. A successfully built PLN affords me many opportunities to improve professional development post-course. Firstly, it allows me to collaborate with a variety of people that collectively can help me answer questions and topics I am curious about. Currently, I am studying Health Information Science at UVIC; through my PLN I can get access webinars and workshops that expand my knowledge in Health IT and help me develop skills to pursue my career. Additionally, many of the guest speakers and professors can help me get job opportunities. Example: A guest speaker in one of my classes reached out to provide junior analyst jobs for us students on behalf of the Ministry of Health. PLN can also be used a source of creativity that supports or challenges your existing perspectives. 

Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?

I believe your PLN can relied on to open professional opportunities. Finding career opportunities on your own can be extensive and exhausting. An PLN can not only shorten the search for professional opportunities but also open up ones that weren’t available otherwise. One of the most common ways people find jobs is through word of mouth. Having a group of peers or superiors that can provide you with connections is the easier way to advance in your career.

Week 9- Why Media Literacy matters in your PLN

Open dialogues about media literacy and factual information can create conflict; why does this happen?

Having open dialogues about media literacy and factual information will 100% create conflict. Media literacy influences how one extracts information from media. The influencing factors are : Who created the message? What creative techniques are used to attract my attention? How might different people interpret the message differently? What lifestyles, values and points of view are represented in or omitted from the message? Why was this message created? 

Say a politician made media post about environmental issues and his plan is to solve these issues. An onlooker reads this post and agrees with the politician points and believes his plan is sufficient. The outlooker could blindly have these views because of their own cognitive biases. For instance, the onlooker had a very environmentally conscience upbringing therefore the environmental issues may be magnified for them. Additionally, they might also have confirmation bias as the information presented by the politician already aligns with their own existing views.Other biases at play could include present bias, if the environmental plan involves immediate action and results, people reading it may be more open-minded to the idea versus if it was a long-term plan. Distortion bias could also lead to fabrication or misleading information; people have a tendency to report what other people are reporting and agreeing to. The onlooker is definitely swayed towards a particular opinion because of all these previously mentioned factors and if another onlooker was reading the same information they could have conflicting views.

What is the benefit of having a PLN that values media literacy?

Media sources provide easy access to information quickly but can be difficult to derive useful information free of biases. Making sure everyone in your PLN values media literacy and is critically thinking about research framework will allow you to derive and share more factual information that is better related to your own life. Say you wanted to buy a new cell phone and asked for advice through your own PLN. Many phone companies using media to promote their product using creative tactics that exaggerate their features and hide their own pitfalls. Having a PLN that can critically think and understands media literacy would aid in effectively evaluating the information being presented and derive useful information with confidence. Through your PLN you would have a better view of what phone matches and delivers on your ideal needs.

Week 8 – Community Engagement & Your PLN

How does social media engage communications? 

Social media promotes communication by presenting people with a platform that allow users to have conversations, share information,create web content, and many more ways to connect. The ease of connecting with people online and variety of different platforms engages communication through social media. Many of us live busy lives and cannot connect with our peers in our day to day lives, however, through use of social media we can engage communication on our goals, significant events, hobbies, and/or work without the need for face to face communication. Additionally, social media has various ways that make communication more engaging than in real-life. Use of likes and favorites, comments, DMs, replies, shares and retweets, saves, clicks, and mentions

How does social media challenge communications? Is it inclusive? 

Communication through social media definitely has its own barriers. The most obvious challenge of social media communication is not having the same level of depth in conversations between people/groups. There are a lot of aspects of communication that are missing such as tone of voice, emotion, body language, and being disingenuous when communication is held online. Additionally, online interactions often promote less-free flowing conversations that lead to shallow conversation topics and small talk. Online conversations are very restricted as they involve back and forth texting; long texts that attempt to convey meaning are very tiresome to write out and aren’t often read by the receiver. This discourages meaningful conversations online. Texting is also a fragmented form of communication which means its difficult to foster a meaningful connection through this form of communication as a lot time is past in between responses. 

Social media is both inclusive and exclusive at times. It allows for quick communication between people from far distances at any time. It removes a lot of the traditional barriers for communication, however, there is a learning curve to using social media and requires users to have access to technology. People of poverty or the older generation may not have access to this technology or the digital literacy to use such forms of communication.

Does your PLN amplify the views of others? 

My personal learning network does not amplify the views of others. Although I frequently use social media, I feel that I am more of a passive user of it. I don’t engage in or share content on social media platforms such as instagram, facebook, twitter, etc. I mainly use it for entertainment or to gain insight on activities that I am participating in real life.

The policies of employer social media communication expectations. 

Social media communication expectations definitely would depend on the field of work, however, there are some general rules that should be followed. Anything controversial, especially regarding politics or polarizing subjects should be avoided in conversations online. Separation from work and personal social media use should be part of the expectations as well. I think the policy expectations should be discussed with employees to make sure its fluid and not too restrictive but wouldn’t lead to any future complications for the company.

How to better use social media to build PLN – Influencers & Commentators

Influencers & Commentators have used social media to good success further their personal learning network. They use platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and Linkedin to discuss and share their learning experiences in their own career or hobbies. By sharing the lessons they learned and giving advice for future strategies for other people trying to pursue this career and/or hobby they connect a group of people together that have shared interests.

Week 6/7 Engaging your PLN

How would you create a PLN prior to engaging in a social media campaign on a topic of your choice?

I would create my PLN based around how it would better my social media campaign strategy. To better understand this statement I will go into detail about my strategy. I would first come up goals for my social media campaign and how I would measure it. Secondly, I would research my target audience that would most benefit from my campaign. I’d chose which social networks and which post types and mixes of content would best for target audiences. The last points of my strategy would be how and what tools I need to setup and maintain/innovate my social media campaign. These parts of my strategy are very important to my PLN as I would try to connect with people in my industry to exchange ideas to help me come with campaign goals. People in my industry could give me feedback my strategy and/or tell me how they have successfully ran a campaign in the past so I have insight on setup and innovation. It may also be useful to include people outside of my industry for ideas on innovation; insight from other industries could spark ideas for my campaign. Lastly, I would include people in my learning network that would be my target audience for my campaign. This is so my ideas help benefit the right audience of people and also so feedback is more relevant.

Week 5 PLN in Education

Themes of a PLN in professional capacity from Videos

Personalized learning networks in a professional setting helps with connection with people of similar interest. Additionally, they can help connect with people of different backgrounds, gaining insight in other fields and could spark interests in different careers. Through a PLN one can share their own knowledge and insight with others and support one another as they grow as professionals. Personalized learning networks in a professional capacity also comes with some challenges. One should be mindful of their own digital footprint when using PLN in a professional setting; social media posts may violate one’s workplace policies or give off a bad image for the company. A good understanding of privacy and security can help in this,however, an overall mindfulness of social media usage is still necessary. 

Which social media platforms are beneficial in education?

Social media platforms can be beneficial in education if used properly. For an example: Facebook can be utilized as a learning tool by creating groups for education, Facebook posts informing students of information, and using Facebook live stream/video feature to stream live meetings/lectures. Like wise Twitter could be used a message or discussion board for students. The character limit of tweets could be useful restriction as it forces students to be critically thinking about how they can communicate their opinions in a concise and short way. Instagram can be used as a promotion for education events or marketing for potential students to join a particular school. Instagram is widely used by the younger generation and could easily attract many new students or inform students of new opportunities within the school. 

When working with the vulnerable sector, how does social media fit into professionalism and regulations?

The vulnerable sector was created to protect citizens most vulnerable from individuals that may present a direct threat to them. The background check for working in the vulnerable sector is a bit more extensive and thus individuals working in this sector should be more careful about their digital footprint. Social media mindfulness is extra important in this instance. Workers should not discuss anything negative about people they work with and should post everything that makes them seem like a potential risk to the vulnerable sector. 

Week 4 Personal Digital Identity vs Professional Digital Identity

My V+R Map

  • What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?

Students are primarily using Linkedin to develop their professional network. Linkedin is designed to serve as a way to show one’s profile, expertise, recommendations and connections related to the professional job market. It also lists the credibility of the student in their industry and features all their volunteer,school, and job related achievements. Linkedin is a must have professional networking tool for students as many hiring managers and recruiters use it as a first step for evaluate one’s knowledge, credibility and leadership expertise and how it will fit into their brand/company. Additionally, students can use it as research tool for further information on certain companies, use it for job hunting, and/or join social groups with similar professional interests to expand your social network.

Another digital method commonly used by students to professionally network is Instagram. Instagram gives students the ability to follow brands and people the industry of their interest. This allows one to stay up to date with information about their industry. One could also use the direct messaging feature to ask questions or propose a business idea to a brand/company. Alternatively, use of the commenting and tagging feature on posts or stories can be another way of communicating and networking with these brands/companies. 

  • What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?

Students could consider non-traditional ways of expanding their professional learning network. A lot of students only consider professional networking platforms that were traditionally designed for professional use only such as Linkedin to do most of their professional networking. However, I believe a student should consider introducing their professional footprint on other non-traditionally professional networking platforms such as Snapchat,Facebook, or YouTube. A lot of these other apps are more personalized than Linkedin and can reach a bigger/different audience than Linkedin. Because they are more personalized, students can show a more creativity approach to professional networking that involves more of their own personality. An example would be using Snapchat to promote music talent/ sales; not a traditionally professional platform, but still gives exposure to one’s expertise and achievements and can reach a different audience than a platform such as Linkedin.

  • Thread Discussion: How do data privacy and security limit and promote a PLN? In your network, how can you create a digital identity/ reputation?

The reason why certain PLNs such as Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin are mainstream is because we trust their ability to keep our data to be private and secure. Yes they have many useful and unique features to their platforms,however, they are many other smaller applications that feature similar or better features. But we often don’t trust them as much because of their lack of reputation in keeping user data secure. We value data security so much so in PLN, that certain applications lose users and popularity if evidence is found that data security is faulty or data is leaked. When Facebook was sued for have misleading claims of data privacy and security and exposed for data mining, it decreased the platform’s popularity a bit because users were now skeptical about data security and may feel unsafe when using the application. In my own network, I would try to create digital footprint that showcases professionalism but also includes some of my own personality and hobbies. I would post things and topics I am passionate about such as camping,hiking, painting, and working out on my stories on Instagram or Snapchat. I  would be cautious about what I post and make sure it’s not controversial in nature or could impact future job implications. This would allow me to use my digital networking for both social ( keeping up with friends who share my interest) uses or professional ( employers viewing my content) uses. 

Week 3 What Does My Digital Identity Look Like?

What is a digital identity?

Digital Identity is an online or networked identity/persona that built by digital usage by of a particular individual or organization. A digital identity is typical made up of the following components : Username(s) and password(s), Online activities such as online search results or social media posts, date of birth, Social security number, Medical history, Purchasing history or behavior.  A digital identity is usually linked to multiple identifiers like social security number, email, and/or name. The purpose of digital identity is to to verify who we are online but in a safe and secure manner that safeguards data and personal information.  It is very useful as many activities are now held digitally in our technology-advancing world, digital identity provides access many different online services, such as social media, banking, and email.

 – How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use? 

Digital Professional Identity is grounded in one’s attributes, beliefs, motives, values, and experiences relating to their profession that is captured by one’s online interactions. A professional approach to digital identity constituents portraying a persona on social media to display professionalism and expertise in their field. For an example: an inspiring doctor would frequently use social media for medical networking and post about medical research and achievements. They would try not to post goofy and silly memes on social media or say controversial things. They would want to develop an identity that shows up positive values and competencies that would represent their proficiencies, qualifications, and desire to be in the medical field for potential networkers to see. A personal approach to digital identity is more casually approaching online usage and networking. In other words, there is more personality attached one’s digital identity. Emails/name(s) may contain more personal or goofy details about one’s self. Online activities and networking is more casual; interactions have a more comic and down to earth tone to them.

– How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and/or benefits? 

Digital Identities converge all the time in networked publics; whenever you interact with social media, play online games, do online financial transactions, or even simply searching something your digital identity is interacting with a networked public. One leaves a digital footprint with almost any interaction with technology online. Because our digital identities are constantly converging in networked publics, its heavily impacts our life. There are so positive impacts that could from this. Technology being integrated into society allows for citizens to easier manage their own health, organizing education, any financial interactions, communication, and exercising civil rights. For organizations/government there are advantages such as improving customer service, accessibility, and ease of use of services/product. However, with everything being digital theres a whole host of problems. Digital identities are always at risk for privacy breaches. Stealing information for unethical purposes is frequent in the online world. Additionally, keeping a professional digital footprint is another concern for people as well. One could risk upsetting certain people/employers with their digital footprint.

– Can a digital wallet provide trust in networked publics?

Digital Wallet has some advantages such as seamless purchasing experience, enhance security, and selective card use. However, concerns over security is very real in networked publics. Theoretically a digital wallet increases security as it removes the need for physician items, can restrict purchases, and have pass codes. But as popularity of online technology increases, hackers have found more and more ways to access digital wallet through information from one’s digital identities. Most banks have a trustworthy digital wallet, however, one must also safeguard their own digital identity to make sure hackers don’t have the information needed to access their digital wallet.

Week 2 PLN & Public Communications

  • What does it mean to network using social media?

Networking is defined as the act of making connections with others. These connections are categorized into two different groups: Personal and Business. Business networking is achieved by identifying and understanding other people’s work in relation to one’s own to assess the value of making connections for potential future work. Personal networking is for staying connected with family,friends, and peers about their personal life. Social Networking is the development/ maintenance of these business and personal connections through the use of technology, usually done through social networking webapps such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. One could network with their friends by messaging them on Instagram, replying to the stories, and/or post their own life events. Or if one wanted to do business networking, they could pay advertisements on these social networking webapps and/or reaching out to people through direct messaging.

  • How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

Digital media and networking technology has quickly become the backbone of our society. We are motivated to participate in networked publics for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it provides us a sense of community. Networked publics provides the feeling of belonging and participating with a group of similar values/interest. If my passion was cooking and I joined a group that discussed cooking tips and recipes, I would feel at home as I am surrounded by like minded-people talking about things that I am passionate about. Another motivation is allowing for communication and connection amongst peers despite differing locations. School/work life is very busy, its impossible to communicate with friends and peers effectively, network publics allow works around this problem. It also provides a space for one to have feelings of contributing to something socially worthwhile, such as promoting a social cause. Network publics motivate us to participate by also incentivising learning through participation and/or rewards of monetary value. 

  • What are the risks & rewards of public communications?

Public communications opened the ease and created new ways to connect, share, and collaborate with others from a variety of different demographics and backgrounds. The lack of barriers in communication has left a positive effect on making information to obtain, however, with this they are some drawbacks. Lack of barriers in communication means anyone can have access to information; some of it may be misused. Additionally, any data stored or sent through these public networks could also end up in the wrong hands. Examples include: closed groups and discrimination based on past ( cancel culture), impersonation and business fraud, viruses and malware, personal information and photos, and location-tracking. Social Media provides a lot of benefits for networking, but many cautions need to be taken to prevent one’s data from being manipulated. 

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